Unpinned-flower garland

1st September 2015



Pinterest is oh so fabulous and my go to for creative solutions and projects, but if we never bring our ideas to life, where does the inspiration go?  Let’s GIT UNPINNED and follow through on those boards we excitedly pinned and then forgot about! 


One of the ideas I pinned for Madeleine’s big girl room was this diy flower garland using a strand of Christmas lights and cupcake liners.  When we took down our Christmas decorations I set aside a strand of lights in her closet and started picking up cupcake liners in different colors, patterns, and sizes. Once I had enough I got to work.


The cuts in the pin are exactly what I followed and super easy.  This was a simple task to do while playing with Madeleine and sometimes she would play with the liners just stacking and unstacking them. Do I foresee a toddler activity pin?IMG_0877

When it came time to add the cupcake liners to the light strand, I simply punched the light through the center of each liner.  Most of the flowers have 2 liners, a green on bottom and then a color on top, and some even have three.  TIP: I used a stack of mini cupcake liners in white and didn’t cut them at all.

The hardest part of this project was figuring out where and how I should hang them.  M’s room has a collage wall over her bed so I decided to incorporate the flower garland.  Not a bad night light huh?

Here’s how it looks now after some tweaking.  Madeleine thinks they are very pretty and hasn’t tried to pull them off….yet.IMG_3248

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