room for reading

10th September 2015

I recently posted about our favorite books we are reading these days and thought it would be a good idea to talk about organizing them.  It really is amazing how many books you can accumulate as an adult throughout school, work, and leisurely reading, but then add children’s books to the mix and you begin to worry your house will start sinking under the weight!

A kindle or nook is a great space saver and totally convenient, but we prefer to have the actual pages in our hands and there is some satisfaction putting a finished book on the shelf.  Am I right?


We installed two floor to ceiling book shelves in our study a couple of years ago and this is where we keep about 60% of our reading materials.  The nursery bookshelf holds about 20%, including all my ‘mom’ books, and the remaining 20% can be found throughout the house as decoration. A stack of books on an end table or under a picture frame can really be beautiful decoration in your home and serves as double duty; staging and storing.

I have reading ‘stations’ set up throughout our house (in a basket in the living room, on the shelf above her bed, etc) so Madeleine and I can read in several rooms throughout the day.  The bottom shelves of the bookcases in the study are dedicated to her books and activities so they are within reach and inviting.  Making reading convenient for her has made it happen more often.

I’ve found that we have a lot of seasonal books for holidays, especially Christmas and Easter.  I have started to pack them up with that season’s decor which gains some space on our shelves and serves as a bonus when we pull them out the next year.  It’s like opening a present or getting new books at the store or library:)

Speaking of library, checking out books from your local library is a great way to introduce new stories for free and then take them back when you are ready, no extra shelf space needed.  Some libraries have great toddler story times too so make a day of it!  The Bulverde/Spring Branch library has toddler story time Mondays at 10:30 AM and they have a room just for kids with puzzles and activities.

Books last forever but you don’t have to keep them that long. Every now and then we’ll loan one out or I’ll see one I don’t think we need and we will donate it.  I truly believe in 15 minute purging sessions!

Have a cool way that you store or organize books in your home?  Let me know at


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