all hallows eve

11th November 2015





Mickey and Minnie had a blast this Halloween!  Madeleine had been talking about her costume for weeks and she had been practicing what to say when trick or treating so she would be prepared. We went with the family in my brother’s neighborhood and it was awesome visiting all the cul-de-sac block parties.  Madeleine was shy (and mute) at first, then she started saying “thank you,” and then finally she got the hang of “Trick or Treat!” All was well until one house had really creepy decorations outside and this motion sensored skeleton moved right as M walked by.  She was TERRIFIED.  She ran screaming and crying “Hold ya Mama, Hold ya Mama.”  After that she was very cautious and wanted me to hold her. Poor baby.  She still talks about it and says, “Nothing to be afraid of that boys black costume, he is SO nice!”IMG_4142 IMG_4144 IMG_4152

Joseph did great and just chilled in the wagon enjoying all the sights from house to house.  He was not too fond of his hood so he wasn’t very smily, but as soon as we took it off he was happy as can be. I love the picture of them both in the wagon because we caught J trying to sneak a piece of candy. #noteethprobsIMG_4153

I LOVE the creativity that comes with Halloween and the adorable littles I see on my Instagram feed, but I could definitely do without all the gore and scary stuff! Did you know that Halloween is actually a Christian celebration that is 1300 years old? “Halloween” comes from the term “All Hallows Eve” which is the day before the celebration of All Saints Day followed by the celebration of All Souls Day.  These celebrations in the church help us remember, pray for, and celebrate the lives of loved ones lost and the communion of saints in heaven.  Very cool!!!


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