Valentine’s Day

16th February 2015









I love when Valentine’s Day falls on a weekend because you can really make a day of it and I LOVE a day with my little family.

We exchanged a few presents in the morning and then made breakfast; Joe got me an OPI nail polish from their San Fran collection since we went there for our anniversary, I got him some tools and a cheesy card, and we got M some side walk chalk, a mermaid towel, a new coloring book, and a few other practical goodies.  We made some pink and red chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles and M was a big help.  She went to town on the chocolate and then it hardened all over her.  :)



The rest of the day we piddled around the house, ran a few errands and then went on a date to Pei Wei.  Joe took me to Pei Wei and a movie on our first Valentine’s day 10 YEARS AGO!!!!!  We ended the date with some mint chocolate chip ice cream which M calls icing.  It was such a fun day full of love, which is what it’s all about!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!


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